Kommentare zu: Why I moved from Azure Web apps to AWS EC2 t2.micro (part 2/2) http://www.randominsights.net/2015/05/15/why-i-moved-from-azure-web-apps-to-aws-ec2-t2-micro-part-22/ Wahllose Erkenntnisse, beiläufige Einsichten. Thu, 11 May 2017 18:22:53 +0000 hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.8 Von: Javi Kroonenburg http://www.randominsights.net/2015/05/15/why-i-moved-from-azure-web-apps-to-aws-ec2-t2-micro-part-22/#comment-5381 Fri, 26 Aug 2016 11:30:11 +0000 http://www.randominsights.net/?p=2792#comment-5381 Hi ,
I am facing the same problems although I don’t necessarily need SQL DB’s.
Looks like you didn’t use the AWS .NET SDK, which provides a plug-in for the Visual Studio letting you deploy your web app with few clicks to AWS….
Only thing I am interested in is providing a custom domain to a static website. In case of Azure that (as you stated) costs me like 11 Euro (Shared Tier) and in case of Aws I don’t really know. I deployed my (static) site to AWS from VS2015 which results in an auto-generation of EC2 t2.micro win2012 instance.And now will have to setup Route53 DNS routing service in order to provide custom domain name…
