How I moved my posts and comments from Blogger to dasBlog

I wanted to move away from Blogger for quite some time now, but I always feared the difficulties in exporting my Blogger posts (and comments, don’t forget about the comments!) and importing them into a dasBlog installation. Well, my fear was totally gratuitous, it’s actually pretty easy. Here’s how I did it:

  1. First, go to your Blogger settings, set the number of posts to display to 999 and the timestamp format to MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS. Save these settings but don’t publish.
  2. Next, edit your main template and change it to this:
    <?xml encoding="utf-8" ?>

  3. Now, don’t publish or save, only press Preview. Get the HTML source of the preview page, and copy everything between (and including) <?xml …> and </entries>, and save it to a new xml file. I called my file archive.xml. Now we’ve all your posts and comments stored in a nice XML file. Close Blogger, we won’t need it anymore.
  4. Behold, here comes the tough part (but it’s still pretty easy). Create a new C# console application in Visual Studio (it will work without Visual Studio of course, but I’m really not a fan of using the compiler with the command line), and paste this code (sorry for the missing comments, but I think it’s pretty straight forward):
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Globalization;
    using newtelligence.DasBlog.Runtime;

    namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
    class Program {
    static void Main(string[] args) {

    XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
    doc.Load(@"d:archive.xml"); //change this path

    IBlogDataService dasBlog = BlogDataServiceFactory.GetService(@"c:content", null); //change this path

    foreach (XmlElement elem in doc["entries"].GetElementsByTagName("entry")) {
    CultureInfo c = new CultureInfo("en-us");
    DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(elem["date"].InnerText, c);

    Entry entry = new Entry();
    entry.Author = "Saxx";
    entry.Content = elem["body"].InnerText;
    entry.Description = "";
    entry.Title = elem["title"].InnerText;
    entry.CreatedLocalTime = date;
    entry.CreatedUtc = date.ToUniversalTime();
    entry.ModifiedLocalTime = date;
    entry.ModifiedUtc = date.ToUniversalTime();
    entry.EntryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

    foreach (XmlElement e in elem.GetElementsByTagName("comment")) {
    Comment comment = new Comment();

    string author = e["commentauthor"].InnerText;

    if (author.Contains(">")) { //removes the links around the comment authors names
    author = author.Substring(author.IndexOf(">") + 1);
    author = author.Substring(0, author.IndexOf("<"));

    comment.EntryId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
    comment.TargetEntryId = entry.EntryId;
    comment.Content = e["commenttext"].InnerText;
    comment.Author = author;
    comment.CreatedLocalTime = date;
    comment.CreatedUtc = date.ToUniversalTime();
    comment.ModifiedLocalTime = date;
    comment.ModifiedUtc = date.ToUniversalTime();


  5. Next, change the two paths in this code according to your system. I had my archive.xml stored on drive D: and I created a directory content on drive C:. This directory is where the dasBlog posts will go – you’ll have to create it manually before running the code.
  6. One last step. Add a reference to the file newtelligence.DasBlog.Runtime.dll, that is found in the /bin directory of dasBlog, to your console application. In this assembly is all the intelligence we need to (re)create the posts for dasBlog.
  7. That’s it, run the application. Depending on the number of posts and comments it can take a while, but when it’s done you’ll have a lot of XML files in your target folder (remember, mine was c:content). Now copy these files to the /content directory of dasBlog. That’s it. Thanks go to Rick Hallihan who gave me some ideas.

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